Exclusive Private Sessions for Dream Catchers and Rain Makers

At Bowdaro, we offer a singular, focused service: private sessions dedicated to the unique needs of two distinct personalities – the 'Dream Catchers' and the 'Rain Makers'. Our approach is deeply personalized, ensuring that each session is tailored to the specific challenges and aspirations of these individuals.

  • Dream Catchers: For those brimming with ideas but struggling to bring them to fruition, our sessions focus on turning visionary concepts into reality.
  • Rain Makers: For individuals deeply engrossed in a single project, we provide guidance to achieve a balanced and sustainable approach to their work and life.

Pricing and Availability:

  • Hourly Rate: All private sessions are offered at a flat rate of $60 USD per hour.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Sessions are available by appointment at our Mt. Pleasant, SC office or via phone for added convenience.

At Bowdaro, we specialize in understanding and nurturing these unique personality types. Our commitment is to offer transformative experiences that lead to personal and professional growth, aligning with the distinct needs of Dream Catchers and Rain Makers.